Reference Name City / Country Date
196883 Georges Gengel ., .
14.5.2018 00:54:20
196883 - СUstomer from Lebanon looking for MEN'S BOXERS LASTIC
You can write your requests to purchase Yarn, Fabric, Accessories, Underwear, Outerwear, Home textiles to our Whatsapp number +905069095419
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Advertisement No:196883 İmage No-00161754- ; 

СUstomer from Lebanon looking for MEN'S BOXERS LASTIC
You can write your requests to purchase Yarn, Fabric, Accessories, Underwear, Outerwear, Home textiles to our Whatsapp number +905069095419

I am from Lebanon and for my own men's boxer manufacturing searching for rubber lastic for men's boxer shorts
I want to buy elastic in accordance with the pictures below. Wholesale

buyer for men's boxer lastic, men's boxers' lastic will purchase, men's boxers elastic, looking for men's boxers' elastic, customer for boxers men's elastic

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