Reference Name City / Country Date Russian
182924 BULUTAKAÇKOÇ İstanbul, Arnavutköy
25.3.2017 21:41:56 Rusça Çevirisi
182924 - I want to buy Ribana fabric knitting machines
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Advertisement No:182924 İmage No-00140723- ; 

I want to buy Ribana fabric knitting machines

I want to buy 1990 - 1995 Model Ribana fabric knitting machines

Mayer knitting fabric machines, Terrot knitting fabric machines, Albi knitting fabric machines, Füke knitting fabric machines I want to buy

30 Pus/ 28 Fine fabric knitting machines
28 Pus/ 18 Fine fabric knitting machines
18 Pus/ 16 Fine ıfabric knitting machines

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